Matriz comparativa: Virtualización de servidores

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En este documento podremos comparar las 3 opciones líderes en cuanto a la virtualización de servidores, podremos analizar y diferenciar entre todas las características que nos den los 3 productos de cada fabricante; la comparativa se basa en vSphere 5.1 de VMware, Hyper-V 2012 de Microsoft y XenServer 6 de Citrix.

Para una información más actualizada podremos acceder a:


Version vSphere 5.1 Hyper-V 2012 XenServer 6
Edition Enterprise Plus DataCenter Platinum Edition
Assessment Overview vSphere 5.1 – Click Here For Overview WS 2012 + SC 2012 SP1 (DC) – Click Here For Overview
Maturity 5.1: Sep 2012 (ESX: 2001/2002, ESXi: Dec-2007) WS2012: Sep 2012, SC2012 Apr 2012 – SP1 Jan 2013 (initial Hyper-V: Jun 08, SCVMM Sep 08) Xen – 2003, Citrix XenServer 2007, 5.6SP2 March 2011, v6: Sept 2011
Market Position Leader (Position 1) Leader (P2/2) Leader (P2/3)
Pricing Virtualization ($) 5.1 Ent+: $3,495/socket + S&S 1Y: $734 (B) or $874 (Prod), vSphere Desktop: $65/active desktop Datacenter: $4,809 for (up to) 2 sockets $5000/server+$3000 (support)
Management ($) $4995(Std) + $1049(B) or $1249 (P), $1,495(Fnd) + $545(B) or $645(P) System Center 2012 Datacenter: $3,607 or Standard $1,323 per managed endpoint (up to 2 CPU) Free (XenCenter)
Bundle/Kit Pricing ($) See Enterprise+ Acceleration Kit n/a n/a
Guest OS Licensing One SLES subscription per active SnS yes – unlimited OSEs (Windows Server vims) No


Version vSphere 5.1 Hyper-V 2012 XenServer 6
Edition Enterprise Plus DataCenter Platinum Edition
General Central Management Yes (vCenter Server + Web Client) Yes (System Center 2012 / VMM) Yes (XenCenter), SCVMM (new)
Virtual and Physical No Yes (All SC, Fabric Updates, Storage Management) Limited
RBAC / AD-Integration Yes (vCenter and ESXi hosts) Yes (SCVMM) Yes (hosts/XenCenter)
Cross-Vendor Mgmt Limited – Multi-Hypervisor manager (vCloud Automation Center/DynamicOps) Improved (VMware, Citrix) Web Self Service User Console
Browser Based Mgmt Yes enhanced Web Client (with SSO) Limited (SSPs) Web Self Service
Adv. Operation Management Yes, vCenter Operations Manager Foundation Yes (SC Operations Manager) Yes XenMotion (1)
VM Mobility Live Migration of VMs Yes vMotion, Metro vMotion and ‘shared nothing’ vMotion (4-8 concurrent) Yes (‘Unlimited’ Concurrent Live, outside clusters and ‘Shared Nothing’) Yes XenMotion (1)
Migration Compatibility Yes (EVC) Yes (Processor Compatibility) Yes (Heterogeneous Pools)
Maintenance Mode Yes Yes Yes
Automated Live Migration Yes (DRS) – CPU, Mem, Storage (now compatible with vCD – NEW) Yes – Dynamic Optimization (CPU, mem, disk I/O, Net I/O) Yes (WB) – CPU, Mem, D, N
Power Management Yes (DPM) Yes – Power Optimization Yes
Storage Migration Yes (Storage vMotion); up to 4 parallel operations (NEW) Yes No (offline only)
HA/DR Cluster Size 32 host / 4000 vms 64 nodes / 8000 vims 16/800
Integrated HA (Restart vm) Yes (VMware HA) – incl Storage heartbeat Yes (vm Affinity, Prioritization) Yes
Automatic VM Reset Yes (VMware HA) Yes (Heartbeat) No
VM Lockstep Protection Yes (Fault Tolerance) No No
Application/Service HA HA Application Monitoring API Yes No
Site Failover vSphere Replication (SRM fee-based Add-On) Hyper-V Replica Integrated Disaster Recovery (no storage array control)
Updates and Backup Hypervisor Upgrades Yes (Update Manager) Yes (Fabric Updates, CAU) Limited (rolling upgrade wizard – new)
VM Patching Limited (Update Manager) Yes (WSUS, SCCM, VMST) No
Live VM Snapshot Yes Yes (Live Merge) yes
Backup Integration API Yes (vStorage API Data Protection) Yes (VSS API) limited
Integrated Backup Yes (Data Protection – New) Yes (WSB&DPM, incremental), Yes (VMPR)
Deployment Automated Host Deployments Yes – Auto Deploy (new: Stateless Caching & Stateful Installs) Yes (bare metal through VMM) No
VM Templates Yes Yes Yes (templ + PVS)
Tiered VM Templates Yes (vApp/OVF) Yes (Service Templates)
Host Profiles Yes (Host Profiles) – enhanced for Auto Deploy Yes No
Storage Profiles Yes (Profile-Driven Storage) Yes (Storage Classifications) No
Other Resource Pools Yes Yes (Host Groups) No
P2V Stand-alone only (Converter) Yes Yes (XenConvert)
Service Portal / Catalogue vCloud Suite, Promotional Upgrade (New) Yes (VMM console, App Controller) Web Self Service
Orchestration / Workflows Yes (vCenter Orchestrator) Yes (SC Orchestrator, SC Service Mgr) Yes (Workflow Studio)
Security Yes (ESXi Firewall, vShield Zones and vShield Endpoint – NEW), vCloud Networking and Security NEW (not included) Windows Security, Hyper-V Extensible Switch (DNSSEC, PVLANs, port ACLs, BitLocker etc.) Yes
Systems Management SNMPv3 (NEW) +CIM, esxcli Yes (WMI + PowerShell) Yes (CIM, WSMAN))

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Version vSphere 5.1 Hyper-V 2012 XenServer 6
Edition Enterprise Plus DataCenter Platinum Edition
General Hypervisor Details/Size ESXi only – 5.1 Build 799733 10 SEPT 2012 Hyper-V R2 XenServer 6 (Xen 4.1)
Host Config Max Consolidation Ratio 512vm, 2048 vcpu 1024 vims/host, 2048 vCPUs/host 75 (up to 130 – see details)
Max CPU – Host 160 (Logical) 320 Logical CPUs 64 (logical)
Max Cores per CPU unlimited unlimited unlimited
Max Memory – Host 2TB 4TB 1TB
VM Config Max vCPU per VM 64 up to 64 vCPU (Win) / 64 vCPU (Linux) 16 (Win) / 32(Linux)
Max RAM per VM 1TB 1TB 128GB
Serial Ports Yes (incl. vSPC) yes No
Hot Add/Plug Yes (CPU, Mem, Disk, NIC) disks and memory (dynamic) only Yes (disk, NIC)
Storage Supported Storage DAS, NFS, FC, iSCSI, SSD for Swap, FCoE (HW&SW), 16Gb FC HBA (NEW) SMB3 (new), virtual FC (new), SAS, SATA, iSCSI, FC, DAS, SAS, iSCSI, NAS, FC
SAN Multipath Yes (enhanced APD and PDL) Yes (DSM and SMB Multichannel) Yes (limited for SAS)
Shared File System Yes (VMFS v5) Yes (CSV v2) Yes (SR)
Boot From SAN Yes (FC, iSCSI, FCoE and SW FCoE – NEW) Yes (iSCSI, diskless, FC) Yes (iSCSI, FC)
Boot from USB Yes No No
Virtual Disk Format vmdk, raw disk (RDM) .vhd – new (4KB sectors), vhd, pass-through (raw) vhd, raw disk (LUN)
Max Disk Size 2TB (vmdk), up to 64TB RDM (physical compatibility) 64TB (vhd), 2TB (vhd), 256TB+ (raw) limited
Thin Disk Provisioning Yes (now with SE Sparse Disk – NEW) Yes (Dynamic Disks, Trim – new) limited
NPIV Support Yes (RDM only) Yes (Virtual Fibre Channel) No
Linked Images No (only VMware View and vCloud Director) Yes (Differencing Disk) Yes (clone, PVS, IntelliCache)
SW Storage Replication Yes (also without SRM – NEW) Yes (Hyper-V Replica) No
Virtual SAN No (vSphere Storage Appliance) Yes (Storage Spaces) No
Storage Integration (API) Yes (VASA, VAAI and VAMP) SMI-S / SMP, ODX, Trim Integrated StorageLink
Storage QoS Yes (SIOC) – incl. NFS – NEW No Basic
Networking Advanced Network Switch Yes (vDS), Various Operational and Scalability improvements – NEW Yes (Hyper-V Extensible Switch) Yes (Fail-Save Mode – new)
NIC Teaming Yes (LACP Support – NEW) Yes Yes
VLAN Yes Yes Yes
PVLAN Yes Yes Yes (guests)
IPv6 Yes Yes Yes (guests)
I/O Pass-Through Yes (SR-IOV – NEW and VMDirectPath) Yes – SRIOV (incl. Live Migration) SR-IOV
Jumbo Frames Yes Yes Yes
Offload Support Yes (TSO, NetQueue, iSCSI) Yes (D-VMQ, Ipsec Offload, SR-IOV ) Yes (TSO)
Network QOS Yes (NetIOC) Yes (max and min bandwidth) Yes
Traffic Monitoring yes (Port Mirroring) Yes (port mirroring)
Memory Dynamic / Over-Commit Yes (Memory Ballooning) Yes – Dynamic Memory (reclaim memory, Smart Paging – new) Yes
Memory Page Sharing Yes (Transparent Page Sharing) No No
HW Memory Translation Yes Yes (SLAT) Yes
Interoperability OVF Support Yes Yes (OVF Import/Export) Yes, incl. vApp (new)
HW Compatibility Comprehensive Strong Windows Ecosystem Improving
Guest OS Support Very Comprehensive Closing the gap Good
Scripting / APIs CIM / SMASH API, SDKs for web services, Perl, Power CLI etc Yes (PowerShell 3, WMI API) Yes (SDK, API, PowerShell)
Cloud API vCloud API Service Provider Foundation API CloudStack & OpenStack API

Extensions (Cloud, VDI)

Version vSphere 5.1 Hyper-V 2012 XenServer 6
Edition Enterprise Plus DataCenter Platinum Edition
Cloud Secure Multi-Tenancy Yes (vDC, vCloud Networking and Security) Yes (Hyper-V Extensible Switch, Hyper-V Network Virtualization) – included
Network Virtualization / SDN Yes (VXLAN, Nicira) Hyper-V Network Virtualization (IP Address Rewrite , GRE) – included in Server 2012
Private Cloud vCloud Suite, Promotional Upgrade (New) Hyper-V 2012 + System Center 2012 (CIS Suite Datacenter) – included
Public Cloud vCloud Datacenter Services, vCloud Powered Services, Cloud Foundry (PaaS) Windows Azure (PaaS, IaaS, Big Data, Media) – Separate Offering!
Hybrid Cloud Connectors vCloud Connector App Controller – included
VDI Desktop Virtualization VMware View (CBRC, 32 node clusters, Persona for physical etc – NEW) RDS (pooled, personal, sessions, User Profile Disk, RemoteFX) – included XenDesktop, XenClient, IntelliCache
Graphics Capability Physical vGPU – NEW, virtual GPU, DirectX 9 _ OpenGL 2.x RemoteFX (WAN, Adaptive Graphics, USB Redirection, Media Remoting, vGPU) – included HDX, HDX3D Pro, GPU Passthrough
Read Cache Host Cache / CBRC CSV Cache – included IntelliCache
End-User Portal Horizon App Manager RDS Web Access – included CloudGateway
Persona & Layering View Persona and Mirage User Profile Disk (included) and UEV (MDOP – Fee)
Published Desktops / Apps (Te No Yes – RDS RemoteApp and Desktop Sessions
Other Virtual SAN No (vSphere Storage Appliance) Storage Spaces – included with Server 2012 No
Other Application Management VMware vFabric Application Performance Manager SC Operations Manager – included with SC 2012 EdgeSight Netscaler
Security vCloud Networking and Security MS Forefront + MS Ecosystem Secure/Access Gateway
Other Workflow / Orchestration Orchestrator (inlc.) SC Orchestrator, SC Service Mgr – included with SC 2012 Workflow Studio (incl.)
Other Site Failover Site Recovery Manager Hyper-V Replica + 3rd party Integrated Site Recovery (incl.)
Chargeback vCenter Chargeback Manager Hyper-V Resource Metering and Service Manager (included) CloudPortal Business Manager
Network Extensions yes (IBM 5000v and Cisco Nexus 1000v) Hyper-V Extensible Switch – 3rd party Extensions NetScaler, Branch Repeater

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