Migración del perfil Citrix UPM a FSLogix
Si todavía eres de los que sigues trabajando con los perfiles móviles de Citrix UPM (User Profile Management) y quieres probar la maravilla de FSLogix, pero claro, tienes usuarios con perfil UPM y quieres migrar eso a FSLogix para no partir de cero, ¡este es tu post!
Así que lo dicho, si queréis ver de qué va esto de FSLogix ya escribimos en su día un documento donde explicábamos su funcionamiento, este post únicamente veremos cómo migrar los datos de un perfil UPM existente a contenedores VHD o VHDX de FSLogix.
Utilizaremos el script maravilloso de David Ott, lo que hará será convertirnos los perfiles que encuentre en ‘F:\Perf_XenApp’ y los dejará en formato FSLogix en ‘F:\Perf_FSLogix’ (obviamente en el script modifica con tus paths correctos, así como modifica el tamaño máximo del disco virtual que creará, yo lo tengo en 10GB con crecimiento dinámico). Al ejecutar el script nos detectará los perfiles que ha descubierto, y seleccionaremos los que queramos migrar. Podremos probar con uno, y tras validarlo ir por grupos, o todos a la vez como los valientes. Lo bueno es que no se toca el perfil original, esto es, siempre tendrás una vuelta atrás por si el VHD o VHDX nuevo del usuario te da problemas.
Os dejo aquí el script que estamos utilizando: Migra_Perfiles_UPM_a_FSLogix.ps1
<# Written by David Ott This script will convert Citrix UPM profiles to FSLogix .vhd profiles (you should be able to edit it to do vhdx as well) Pay attention to all of the commented areas. It uses diskpart to create/mount/dismount the .vhd file, and robocopy to copy the UPM profile to the .vhd. Once executed (assuming you have edited $newprofilepath and $oldprofiles to match your environment) it will give you a list of profiles to convert. You can then select which profile(s) you wish to convert to FSLogix profiles. You could also edit this script to use hyperv commands to create/mount/dismount the vhd/vhdx files instead of diskpart if you have the hyperv module installed. Before using in production test!! #> # fslogix profile path $newprofilepath = "F:\Perf_FSLogix" ##### FSLogix Root Profile Path <# upm profile path - our production UPM root folders are username.domain, and the actual Windows 7 profile lives under v2x64\UPM_Profile: \\server\share\%USERNAME%.%USERDOMAIN%\!CTX_PROFILEVER!!CTX_OSBITNESS! this would have to be edited based on environment - the main thing is to have it have the full path to all of the actual UPM_Profile directories #> $oldprofiles = gci F:\Perf_XenApp | select -Expand fullname | sort | out-gridview -OutputMode Multiple -title "Select profile(s) to convert"| %{ Join-Path $_ "UPM_Profile" } # | ?{$_.name -like "*.$env:userdomain"} # foreach old profile foreach ($old in $oldprofiles) { <# Since I know that the folder has the username in it i get that and save it to the sam variable, and use that to get the user's sid then save that to $sid. You will most likely have to edit the $sam line to pull the username out of the old profile path. Play with the string and split-path until you nail down just the username. For instance let's say your current profile path is \\server\profileshare\username\v2x64\UPM_Profile you could do something like this $sam = (($old -split "profileshare")[1] -split "v2x64")[0] -replace "\\","" That splits the string at profileshare, and selects the 2nd part (0 would be the first) which is \username\v2x64\UPM_Profile it then splits that again using v2x64 and selects the first part (remember 0 is the first) which is \username\ Finally it replaces the "\" characters (you need to match \\ as \ is a special character the first slash just says to use it as a string) with nothing... leaving you with the username. #> $sam = (($old -split "Perf_XenApp")[1] -split "UPM_Profile")[0] -replace "\\","" $sid = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($sam)).translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).Value <# A .reg file located in %localappdata%\FSLogix - last thing the script does is create the .reg file for the profilelist key #> $regtext = "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\$sid] `"ProfileImagePath`"=`"C:\\Users\\$sam`" `"FSL_OriginalProfileImagePath`"=`"C:\\Users\\$sam`" `"Flags`"=dword:00000000 `"State`"=dword:00000000 `"ProfileLoadTimeLow`"=dword:00000000 `"ProfileLoadTimeHigh`"=dword:00000000 `"RefCount`"=dword:00000000 `"RunLogonScriptSync`"=dword:00000000 " <# set the nfolder path to \\newprofilepath\username_sid - this is not default If you are going with the default then replace then reverse the $sam/$sid variables as below $nfolder = join-path $newprofilepath ($sid+"_"+$sam) #> $nfolder = join-path $newprofilepath ($sid+"_"+$sam) ##### See note above # if $nfolder doesn't exist - create it if (!(test-path $nfolder)) {New-Item -Path $nfolder -ItemType directory | Out-Null} & icacls $nfolder /setowner "$env:userdomain\$sam" /T /C & icacls $nfolder /grant $env:userdomain\$sam`:`(OI`)`(CI`)F /T # sets vhd to \\nfolderpath\profile_username.vhd $vhd = Join-Path $nfolder ("Profile_"+$sam+".vhd") # diskpart commands $script1 = "create vdisk file=`"$vhd`" maximum 10240 type=expandable" $script2 = "sel vdisk file=`"$vhd`"`r`nattach vdisk" $script3 = "sel vdisk file=`"$vhd`"`r`ncreate part prim`r`nselect part 1`r`nformat fs=ntfs quick" $script4 = "sel vdisk file=`"$vhd`"`r`nsel part 1`r`nassign letter=T" $script5 = "sel vdisk file`"$vhd`"`r`ndetach vdisk" $script6 = "sel vdisk file=`"$vhd`"`r`nattach vdisk readonly`"`r`ncompact vdisk" <# if the vhd doesn't exist create, attach, wait 5 seconds (windows has to catch up), create/format the partition, assigns letter T (change this as needed), and sets the disk label to Profile-username #> if (!(test-path $vhd)) { $script1 | diskpart $script2 | diskpart Start-Sleep -s 5 $script3 | diskpart $script4 | diskpart & label T: Profile-$sam New-Item -Path T:\Profile -ItemType directory | Out-Null # set permissions on the profile start-process icacls "T:\Profile /setowner SYSTEM" Start-Process icacls -ArgumentList "T:\Profile /reset /T" Start-Process icacls -ArgumentList "T:\Profile /inheritance:d" $cmd1 = "T:\Profile /grant $env:userdomain\$sam`:`(OI`)`(CI`)F" Start-Process icacls -ArgumentList "T:\Profile /grant SYSTEM`:`(OI`)`(CI`)F" Start-Process icacls -ArgumentList "T:\Profile /grant Administrators`:`(OI`)`(CI`)F" Start-Process icacls -ArgumentList $cmd1 } else { # if the vhd does exist then attach, wait 5 seconds, assign letter T $script2 | diskpart Start-Sleep -s 5 $script4 | diskpart } # copies in the UPM profile to the Profile directory on the vhd /E /Purge - this is so it will update with the latest info "Copying $old to $vhd" & robocopy $old T:\Profile /E /Purge /r:0 | Out-Null # cambiar nombre perfil UPM ya migrado #Rename-Item -Path F:\Perf_XenApp\$sam -NewName "Cambio.$sam" -Force # Mover perfil UPM ya migrado Move-Item F:\Perf_XenApp\$sam F:\Perf_XenApp_Cambiado_UPM_Profile\$sam -Force # creates the %localappdata%\FSLogix path if it doesnt exist if (!(Test-Path "T:\Profile\AppData\Local\FSLogix")) { New-Item -Path "T:\Profile\AppData\Local\FSLogix" -ItemType directory | Out-Null } # creates the profiledata.reg file if it doesn't exist if (!(Test-Path "T:\Profile\AppData\Local\FSLogix\ProfileData.reg")) {$regtext | Out-File "T:\Profile\AppData\Local\FSLogix\ProfileData.reg" -Encoding ascii} $script5 | diskpart }
Espero que os sea de utilidad por si alguna vez lo necesitáis, agradecer al autor del script su trabajazo. Si nos fijamos bien, usará el nombre de cada usuario para obtener el SID y así nombrar el directorio del contenedor de manera correcta, le hará propietario al usuario del contenedor con permisos totales, creará el VHD con el tamaño indicado, lo monta, lo particiona en NTFS, manera temporal como unidad T:, y copiará todo el contenido del perfil UPM a este VHD.
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